Anonymous said...
"Why don't you get a real job and develop some selfesteem while you're at it. Stupid people are people that keep doing things they hate for all the wrong reasons. You're only a small step above being a hooker, don't kid yourself."
I'm not going to bother deleting this one... or replying right now. So let's put it out there for everyone to read because this person obviously really needs to be heard and I already deleted one comment.
Would anyone else care to respond?
I'm not going to bother deleting this one... or replying right now. So let's put it out there for everyone to read because this person obviously really needs to be heard and I already deleted one comment.
Would anyone else care to respond?
Labels: shit
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I think he's right.
At 5:03 PM,
Pause said…
Do you really need to respond? People are going to think what they want. Don't get pulled into it.
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm always impressed with those who attack others while remaining anonymous. The dude is just a complete moronic jackass. I think that about sums it up.
At 8:50 PM,
Sugar. said…
Don't you just love people who think they are the morality police?
At 11:20 PM,
KellyNerd said…
Dear Anonymous... you are a narrow minded son of a ...
you haven't a clue of what is in her head, heart and soul. You have no idea what it takes to make a decision to lead this life or how far it is from being a prostitute. Why dont you leave your next comment like a real man and not anonymously.
R: As usual, thanks for sharing your life story with the rest of us. I think you are brave!
At 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
"Anonymous said..."
I was always taught that those with mental issues should be handled with compassion rather than being made fun of. So we really should just let anonymous be...
At 9:23 AM,
Cairde said…
People are afraid of what they do not understand, and rather than try to learn, they attack. It makes me sad. It really is true about not judging someone until you have walked a mile in his/her shoes. It makes me wonder why this person felt the need to comment...some underlying issue perhaps? Who knows, and frankly, who cares?
At 12:48 PM,
TR said…
You're not one step above being a prostitute! You're equal to one. HOw dare he impose his own hierarchy on you! lol ;)
At 10:44 PM,
Angry Orange said…
Geez I hated my job too... Does that mean I was stupid or just needed money to survive?
I used to do environmental consulting and saw how much gas stations polluted groundwater and saw the senior consultants minimize the impact for the paycheck from the oil and gas company.
I'd have to say I was working with more prostitutes then Ryann ever will be.
At 9:29 PM,
Johnny Wadd said…
Whatta douche.
At 12:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone that would come forward with a statement that forward and in that light is compensating for their own pained and broken ego. More than likely they've attempted to do something in the past (no matter what it was) and received similar advice from an individual in the same situation they now are. The person stomped on their esteem, told them to toughen it up and eat the crap put before them politely, so they did and they now think it bettered who they were. It's a sociological cycle... It's classically a "put down", but in more recent times most people recognize it as "emotional abuse". It's a symptom of trauma... So much like RLD said in their comment, just ignore him. The last thing in the world you want to do is contribute to an internet troll's sense of self importance by giving them additional limelight.
If what you do is something you see as art, then it's an art form. I think much of what you've described and shown was aesthetically pleasing before any other form of pleasure. You put a lot of effort into what you do, and every now and again you post about how you love it... And one of the things I enjoy is that you're really very amusing when you want to be. I collect your anecdotes, in fact.
It's not like you're living on the street and peeling for drug money. You're using what you make to better yourself (school), having fun (admittedly not all the time), and simply shaking what nature gave you. Power to you.
At 4:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous wouldnt know the difference between a stripper and a hooker. Yer getting hate mail?? WOW. Wonder how me can get that??
Anonymous you need 2 grow up an get some form of mental help. First cowardly anonymous attacks on anyone is a sign of needing help. Secondly, if yer tat fucking dense to not know the difference between stripper and hooker then maybe get yerself a dictonary along with yer mental health issues. Grow the fuck up
P.S. Ryann proves by bloggin that she has more brains and compassion in her baby toe than you have in yer entire body. Want me to go on little boy. Which reminds me . Maybe yer too young to be reading this blog. What is you, in Grade 6????
At 3:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
The main difference are the SHOES. I don't see many "Street Walkers" walking on 8 inch heel shoes. Only Strippers can get away with it since they do not walk as much.
I love shoes...
At 11:00 PM,
MJW said…
I think the biggest question that spawns from this rude comment pertains to you Ryann. And, that is "how do you feel about being an exotic dancer?" because from what ive gathered about your work through your posts is there are only few things you enjoy about it and you seem much happier away from work.
So, Aside from all the controversy spawning from your unique experiences how do you feel about your work? Because this answer will determine if his first accusation (calling you stupid for doing something you hate)is true. Because im sure you can do many different things with your life if you choose otherwise, why this?
The second half of his accusation (calling you a hooker) is bullshit...many strippers are very smart business women/men, its just a unique industry..which unfortunately attracts negative atention because of the few that create that negative image.
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